If you are becoming elderly, or if someone you care about is approaching this stage in life, it may be getting increasingly more difficult to perform basic, everyday tasks. Things that used to be routine and simple now present challenges. Concerns over safety are more evident than ever before. One of these issues is bathing and how to prevent slips and falls in the shower. Fortunately, there are some solutions to ensure that getting into the shower is easier and that the likelihood of falling is minimized. Selecting the right walk-in tubs with showers in Houston is important for any senior.
Easy Entry
It can get difficult stepping over that high wall in the tub. Not only does it require some balance and strength you or your loved one is lacking these days, but it leaves you vulnerable to falling. However, with a walk-in bathtub, there aren't awkward movements or precarious standing on one foot. You simply open a door and walk right in the tub.
Slip-Resistant Floor
One of the biggest fears any senior has is slipping in the shower, hitting one's head on the side or the ground, or becoming injured in some other way. Walk-in tubs with showers in Houston come with floors that are specially made to prevent slips and keep you firmly on your feet as you bathe.
Take a Seat
If you're still worried about falling in your shower, your walk-in model will come equipped with a seat. This allows you to bathe as you want without the fear of being on unsteady ground.
Safety Bars
If these features aren't enough, inside your tub will be safety bars. You can grab onto these as you enter the tub and as you shower or bathe. If you begin to feel unsecure, simply hold on.
If you're in the market for walk-in tubs with showers in Houston, consider these features. You'll have greater peace of mind when you make your purchase.
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